#19: Tim Gray – Five fundamentals of biohacking

health & fitness performance personal development podcast Jan 29, 2019

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 Tim Gray is a serial entrepreneur and the leading biohacker in the UK. He founded and ran a psychology-based digital marketing agency based in London, and has many years of experience in NLP and Cognitive Hypnotherapy. Two years ago he founded Londons first private Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Clinic, and he also founded and runs the Health Optimisation / Biohacker Social Circle in London too. To top that off, he also is the Founder and CEO of the Health Optimisation Summit – which brings unity to the health space, by partnering with Paleo f(x)and Bulletproof Upgrade Conference. Tim shares concrete tips with his five fundamentals of Biohacking for top performance, or for taking back your health.


Show notes:

1.35: Tims story

4.50: Getting kidney stones and several other diseases

6.00: Getting into bulletproof coffee

7.02: What Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy is

12.01: Starting the biohacker social group in London

13.40: Biohacking vs transhumanism

14.30: Biohacking or health optimization

18.40: Where to start with biohacking

20.15: Tims five biohacking fundamentals

20.30: How to optimize sleep

23.40: Using the Oura sleep tracker most effectively

25.00: Using a Grounding blanket

25.40: Using a Chilipad

27.45: Using lavender oil

28.15: Second area of Tims five fundamentals: Hydration optimization

32.45: Cutting down on supplements

35.50: Third area of Tims five fundamentals: Dental and oral optimization

39.30: Fourth area of Tims five fundamentals: Sun and light optimization

43.00 Understanding what grounding is

44.10: Fifth is of Tims five fundamentals. Oxygen and breathing optimization


Links to people mentioned:

Dr. Joseph Mercola: https://www.mercola.com/

Wim Hof: https://www.wimhofmethod.com/

Dasha Maximov: https://www.growthisland.io/blog/12-dasha-maximov-how-to-recover-from-a-heavy-brain-concu



Links to selected resources:

Health Optimisation Summit: https://summit.healthoptimisation.com/

Oura Ring: https://ouraring.com/

Chilipad: https://www.chilitechnology.com/

Totum sport: https://www.totumsport.com/

Quinton: https://originalquinton.com/

Health Optimisation/biohacker London Social Circle Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/BiohackerLondon/


Final recommendations from Tim:

Relax and focus on the five fundamentals: 1. Sleep, 2. Hydration, 3. Dental & Oral, 4. Sun & Light, 5. Oxygen & Breathing


Links to Tim:




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