#49: Dr. Kirk Honda – Different emotional attachment styles and how to form meaningful relationships

family friends & social life love & relationship podcast Jul 28, 2020

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 In this episode, we are going to delve into one of the most important, but often overlooked areas of our lives, our relationships. It’s something that I personally wanted to learn more about as I am no expert in this field. My guest today, Dr. Kirk Honda is a licensed psychologist and one of the very few experts that marry psychology with marriage and family therapy. Dr. Kirk Honda shares his expertise on personality disorders and attachment models. With over 20 years of experience practicing, Dr. Kirk Honda talks about what he has learned most about relationships and how you can apply it in yours! I personally enjoyed this conversation much as i realized how should I position myself in a relationship based on the partners’ needs.

Dr. Honda is the host of the Psychology in Seattle podcast. Kirk Honda has been a marriage and family therapist in Seattle since 1996 and he has been teaching in the Couple and Family Therapy Program since 1998. He has been supervising clinicians in their work with clients since 1999 and is an AAMFT approved supervisor.  He has been hosting The Psychology in Seattle since 2008. He has been interviewed as an expert in psychology and psychotherapy in the media. He has given community presentations on various psychological topics including couple therapy, personality disorders, and therapists’ experience of difficult clinical moments.


Show Notes

0:30 Introduction to Dr. Kirk Honda

1:05 What is the Psychology in Seattle podcast

2:08 Why are relationships really important

5:29 Bridging the gap of different interests in a relationship

7:07 Different emotional attachments of people

12:10 Parenting guideline for kid behavior management

15:15 What can we do about the 4 different attachment concepts

16:50 Recommended attachment style for overworked and overcommitted people

21:30 Attachment behavior and classification

28:30 Can the child attachment style develop a pattern into that person’s relationship

32:20 What is the best thing for preoccupied insecure people to do

37:40 The impact of technology in communication methods on relationships

43:00 Generalization can often be misleading for attachment styles

47:12 Where can people find more about Dr. Kirk and his work

48:48 Dr. Honda’s final advice


Connect with Dr. Kirk Honda


Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/psychologyinseattle/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/PsychInSeattle



Dr. Kirk Honda’ books:

Multirole Clinical Supervision: Evidence, Reflections, and Best Practices https://www.amazon.com/Multirole-Clinical-Supervision-Reflections-Practices/dp/1973214229/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&qid=1590137982&refinements=p_27%3AKirk+Honda&s=books&sr=1-1&text=Kirk+Honda

Mary Ainsworth experiment: https://www.simplypsychology.org/mary-ainsworth.html


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